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Anti-Money Laundering & Financial Crime Consultancy

Protect your assets and reputation by getting ahead of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Sanctions, Corruption, and KYC / Due Diligence risks and regulatory requirements.

Whether you're an international mega-bank, defence contractor or a local jewellery business, anti-money laundering (AML), Bribery and Sanctions regulations apply to you. Compliance with regulations can be demanding and a drain on resources, but I’m here to lighten the load. An honest and positive professional whose first priority is always the interests of my clients; providing capability, adaptability, and scalability. Since 2007, I’ve been serving the gambling and finance sectors in the fight against financial crime.

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AML Risk, Policy Drafting & Client Screening

Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.


Whether you run a family office, private school, casino, a jewellers, estate agents, other type of Designated Non-Financial Business or Profession (DNFBP), or are involved in the international supply chain via the defence industry, you and your business are potentially subject to bribery and money laundering legislation.


To protect your assets and reputation, take a look below at what I offer and get in touch.

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Due Diligence Screening

Know Your Customer/Counterparty

knowing your clients and counter-parties in financial transactions and business relationships is prudent and necessary. I can offer comprehensive screening and in-depth reporting to help you identify and analyse threats.

Risk Assessment

Identify Threats & Vulnerabilities.

Whether you know what the threats and weaknesses of your business are or not, I can analyse and advise on the best solutions for your fight against financial crime and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Policy & Procedure

Expert Guidance.

Qualitative and substantive in accordance with the latest national and international requirements I can create a risk based protocol for your business, to help protect your operation and reputation.

Financial Crime is everywhere.

From Scottish shell companies to Caribbean tax havens, Russian laundromats to local criminal gangs, the threat of financial crime has never been as prevalent or more relevant. The more connected the world, the more exposed we all become to the threat of being entangled in a scandal or scam. To protect your business is your priority and my responsibility.

Using my expertise and understanding of the industry, risks and remedies, you’ll receive real expertise and experience true results. 

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Contact Me

Have a particular challenge you’re trying to deal with? Contact me today and see what I can do for you.

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Anti-Money Laundering & Due Diligence Services

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